Ambrosians Working for Social Justice

The legacy of peace and justice initiatives at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台可以买滚球的正规平台为社会正义工作的项目锚定在一个以信仰为标志的历史背景下, 奖学金, 和行动.

AWSJ促进人权教育和行动,以及公平和负责任地使用资源. AWSJ recognizes the need to identify, 评估, and address the ways in which injustice impacts women and girls, 男人和男孩, and to seek solutions based on interdisciplinary and gender-responsive, gender-sensitive approaches.

自2004年以来, AWSJ has sponsored an annual lecture series, bringing national and international speakers to campus, 强调和讨论当今一些最重要的社会和经济正义问题.



第20届可以买滚球的正规平台为社会正义工作年会于10月10日回归秋季学期. 3, 2023 with keynote speaker Joyful Clemantine Wamariya. Click here for registration and additional details.


  • 9:30 a.m. -接受报名
  • 9:45 - Welcome with 丽莎·鲍威尔博士, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
  • 10:00 -工作坊第一期 
  • 11:00 - 工作坊第二部分
  • 12:00 p.m. ——午餐 
  • 1:00 - 工作坊三
  • 2:00 - 工作坊第四部分
  • 3:00 -茶点
  • 4:00 -主题演讲
    • Welcome and Introduction with Amy Novak, EdD, President, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
    • Keynote Speaker: "How'd You Neighbor?" with Joyful Clemantine Wamariya, Social Entrepreneur and Author


Community Sponsorship: Communities Helping Resettle Refugees
亚伦Tarchinski, 凯瑟琳·麦考利中心
本次研讨会将介绍什么是正规买球平台有哪些赞助计划,以及该计划如何帮助当地安置机构和难民在新正规买球平台有哪些安顿下来. 该项目的目标是为难民提供正规买球平台有哪些支持,以便在安置机构之外建立联系. 本次研讨会将涵盖哪些类型的正规买球平台有哪些和企业可以成为正规买球平台有哪些赞助小组,以及启动所需的背景调查和要求. 正规买球平台有哪些赞助小组与案件管理人员一起开展多个案件管理项目,例如寻找住房, 财务及预算, 运输, 文化取向, 国家福利, 和更多的. 本次研讨会的活动将是为一个5口难民家庭组建一个模拟正规买球平台有哪些赞助小组,其中一人扮演小组的角色,并研究他们在角色中所做的工作. For example; the housing coordinator will research housing in the area for their clients by finding appropriate accommodations for the family and the price. 小组的每个成员将有不同的角色来研究和找出如何最好地帮助难民家庭. 印刷的提示将被分发,说明如何开始以及他们的角色需要什么.

Transforming Recovery and Reentry: A Model of Hospitality
詹妮Halupnik, OneEighty
本次小组讨论将探讨如何利用好客促进从物质使用障碍中恢复并从监禁中重新进入的人的康复和恢复. We will discuss how hospitality, 正规买球平台有哪些关系, and peer-to-peer mentoring remove barriers for this population. 这个小组由三个人组成,他们每个人都亲自走过了康复/重返社会的旅程,现在通过在180进行的14个月的住院康复计划,帮助其他人也这样做, 达文波特的一个非营利组织, 爱荷华州.

Immigration Justice: What Can I Do?
玛吉·梅加·卡拉巴洛, Progression Action for the Common Good
参加者将聆听有关移民不公和身体创伤的诗歌和故事 ,displacement and separation from family, 移民经历.


Panel on the Experience of Young Refugees in the Quad Cities
Leah Hodge, No (Hanna) Niang, and Pascal Ramadhani, 世界救援
世界救援 QC is a refugee resettlement and social service provider in the Quad Cities. In this panel, staff from WRQC will share their experiences through the resettlement process. They will share their stories - where they come from, the roots of their identities, navigating family and cultural dynamics, 和更多的. 他们将讨论在美国寻找出路的挑战,包括吃新的食物, 学习一门新语言, being their 家庭' interpreter, 和更多的. 小组讨论将以讨论帮助小组成员调整并成为其正规买球平台有哪些繁荣成员的服务结束, and how you can get involved.

Harm Reduction 101: Why People Who Use Drugs Deserve Radical Hospitality
Viminda Shafer and Michelle Schmook, Project of the Quad Cities
Join us as we explore the topics of harm reduction and radical hospitality. Through discussion and activities, we will investigate the principals of both, why harm reduction and radical hospitality are important, and how we can support oppressed populations through these two concepts. 你会带着一张清单离开,这些清单是你可以在日常生活和职业生活中实施的!

Storytelling and Benedictine Hospitality
里克•史密斯 St. 玛丽修道院
Hospitality is an ancient Benedictine value, dating back to the sixth century and St. 本尼迪克特本人. The urgency of this value has only increased in our time and that urgency is growing, especially as we wrestle with the messy realities of welcoming immigrants into our lives. So many of the stories we hear are fear driven, especially with regard to immigrants. 由于害怕被可怕的现实所吞噬,我们倾向于把这些问题当作抽象的问题. Storytelling offers us a way into the ordinariness of hospitality in our own lives, events which scarcely register in our consciousness they are so commonplace. 这个工作坊将帮助我们与我们都经历过的故事联系起来,并鼓励我们讲述它们, to ourselves and to those who are closest to us, thereby nurturing confidence in our own gifts of radical hospitality.


Panel on the Experience of Afghans in our Community
Ratko Rastovic and Qudratullah Baqi, 世界救援
世界救援 QC is a refugee resettlement and social service provider in the Quad Cities. 在小组讨论中,难民安置中心的工作人员将分享他们在安置过程中的经验. They will share their stories - where they come from, the roots of their identities, navigating family and cultural dynamics, 和更多的. 他们将讨论在美国寻找出路的挑战,包括吃新的食物, 学习一门新的语言, being their 家庭' interpreter, 和更多的. 小组讨论将以讨论帮助小组成员调整并成为其正规买球平台有哪些繁荣成员的服务结束, and how you can get involved.

Bystander Intervention for LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Sarah Eikleberry and Brett Billman, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
本次研讨会探讨了识别对LGBTQ+正规买球平台有哪些造成伤害的工作场所和校园问题行为的策略. Learners will be introduced to a brief framework related to cis and heteronormativity, 参与各种情境,将旁观者干预策略和包容性问题解决相结合.

Rising Stronger: My Next Chapter ...
特蕾西Singleton, TM BC执行董事
在监禁后的重返社会之旅中赋予个人权力需要我们社会所有成员的共同努力. The "Rising Stronger" workshop is designed to provide insights, 工具, 以及使个人能够在支持以前被监禁的人重新融入社会方面发挥关键作用的策略. The activity would be a reentry simulation.


我们真的欢迎吗?? Building the Quad-Cities' Welcoming Infrastructure
麦克格林安 Tapestry的农场
It's one thing to say a community is welcoming, it's another thing to actually be welcoming. What does it take for a community to be a place where every single person, including immigrants and refugees, 可以参加, 贡献, 并蓬勃发展? The answer is focused on civic engagement, 连接正规买球平台有哪些, 经济发展, 教育, 公平获得, government and community leadership, 以及安全的正规买球平台有哪些. Explore where the Quad-Cities is, and where it could be with conscientiousness and care.

Radical Hospitality Enacted in Education
Edwin Ubeda and Angie Rekers, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
伊莱恩·Kresse AAUW 爱荷华州 College and University Director
教育工作者越来越有必要了解如何展示“激进的热情好客”,以便为反偏见教育提供整个学校的方法. Anti-bias 教育 is an ethos, which shapes our attitudes toward and our interactions with diverse children, 家庭, 和文化. In order to address the child's linguistic, 的社会性, 认知发展, we argue that educators need to create a community of learners using multiple modalities. This panel will share research, 的想法, 以及培养支持所有学生的公平和包容的社会和物质环境的方法. Our panelists will focus on teachers' interactivity with a range of pupils, including the following: those who are learning English as an Additional Language, those who can benefit from alternative teaching/评估ment methods, and those who may have experienced trauma. 我们将从儿童和家庭的角度考虑不同的儿童参与教育实践. 我们还将讨论教育实践和环境如何塑造孩子(和他们的父母)对自己作为学习正规买球平台有哪些中有价值(或不是)成员的看法.

Mayra Hernandez, Gloria Mancilla, and Karina Gomez, 四城,跨信仰
我们很多人走路都很轻松, never thinking twice of having to pull out our identifications when we need them; from withdrawing money from our bank accounts to identifying ourselves at a hospital or clinic. 在这个研讨会上, 参与者将有机会识别我们被要求识别的数十次,以及没有ID就无法访问多少资源. 参与者将了解到,成千上万的人没有、也不能如此轻松地获得一个基本ID,因此被禁止访问我们其他人享有的许多相同资源. 在整个研讨会中, 听取直接受影响的人们的意见,通过组织正规买球平台有哪些倡导实施斯科特县正规买球平台有哪些身份证来填补这一空白.


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